Hannl: LIMITED RB Automatic

Vacuum platevasker


NOK14 450,00 Førpris:NOK28 900,00 Rabatt -50% inkl. mva.


En MEGET effektiv og rask platevasker. Et uunnværlig produkt for enhver som ønsker å ta vare på platene sine og få best mulig lyd.
Stiften blir også spart med rene plateavspillinger.
Resultat - lenger levetid og sparte penger.
Jo renere platene er jo bedre lyd og jo lenger levetid på både stift og plate.

LIMITED B - med en ekstra sirkulær børste.

Dette systemet, med denne sirkulære børsten gjør disse maskinene utrolig effektiv.

En fantastisk effektivitet for å løse opp fett og skitt som har festet seg i platerillene.

De aller fleste har aldri opplevd hvor mye informasjon og hvor god lyd det er i en LP plate - da de aldri har spilt med rene plater.

For den vinylfrelste så er dette den beste tilbehør-investeringen man kan gjøre!
This machine is a development of Hannl " Limited RB ". Some of the new developments include: extremely quiet during extraction, automatic change of direction in the wash mode after 5 turns, the round brush is perfectly adjusted basic rate and the convenient one-button operation. The machine is robust, reliable, and durable. Like all Hannl machines, it is made ​​in Germany, and is elegant, easy to clean and compact. In addition, the circular brushing technology is extremely gentle and effective in cleaning your valuable records. Purchase recommodation: comfortable with an automatic cleaner job; qualitatively close to the top models MERA / Aragon; in cleaning performance on MERA / Aragon level. In the Hannl portfolio, this machine is middle class - but absolutely considered a top machine which is exceeded only by MERA / Aragon in their technical capabilities and their technical specification.

Technical Details:

• Robust 10mm high gloss acrylic/plastic housing with aluminum edges • 1 stage industry-standard suction turbine • Right-left running pate • Double brush head • Integrated fresh water tank with pump • Integrated wastewater tank with drain hose • Grounded suction arm and plate central spine • Antistatic mat • Adjustable equipment feet • Black powder coated plate • Chromed aluminum parts • Mounted rotary brush • 3 year warranty • Noise reduction (46 dB) at normal function (previous model (68 dB) • Dimensions: L x B x H 380 X 380 X 240 mm Included in delivery: • 1L X 2000 detergent • 1L X VI3C detergent for round brush • 1 piece order vials • 1 replacement strip set • 1 microfiber cloth